"Truth is the Father of Justice and Justice is the master of virtue" _HRH Alh. A.H. Momoh
🖊️_Enaholo J.K.
No fewer than 45 Hufaaz'ul Qur'an have been graduated into the existing crop of Memorizers of the Glorious Book of Islam in Auchi Sacred Kingdom.
This was made known by Sheikh Prince Suleman Momoh on Sunday during a meeting at the Palace when about 28 of these children paid a courtesy visit to His Royal Highness, Alh. A.H. Momoh, the Otaru of Auchi Sacred Kingdom.
The young ones recited beautiful verses from the Noble Qur'an to the awe of all who listened with mouths agape at how well children within the ages of 11 and 17 could hold the entire contents of the Holy Book in their brains and reproduce every part when called upon to recite.
11year old Basheera Ahmad Reciting verses of the Qur'an |
It was a scene laced with surprise and suspense and even His Highness was impressed as representatives from each heritage zones rendered the verses recited with the beauty of poetry.
The recitation of verses 40 to 47 from Suratul Hud (Qur'an 11) by one of the young Memorizers was reiterated by Sheikh Prince Suleman Momoh. The NAHCON Commissioner and Imam II of Auchi Sacred Kingdom extolled the virtue of obedience to one's parents as expressed in the content of the verses recited. He told all that the verses speak of how Prophet Noah's son disobeyed his father, refused to seek refuge in the ark and was drowned thereafter as a consequence for his disobedience.
His Royal Highness encouraged the Children to keep developing more capacity in line with Islamic jurisdiction and western education. He urged the children to be conscious of the truth, speak and stand by it at all times as truth is the foundation of the religion of Allah which ensures justice for all. He further expressed gratitude and appreciated the role of their mothers in ensuring the children learnt well and encouraged them to keep the positive energy alive.